2013年7月24日 星期三

2013 台灣TTouch工作坊

講師:美國TTouch資深講師黛比‧帕茲(Debby Potts)
2013 TTouch workshop with Debby Potts in Taiwan


 TTouch®系統由國際知名的動物專家琳達‧泰林頓瓊斯博士(Linda Tellington-Jones)所發明,因而命名為TTouch®系統這個特別的系統可用於照護及訓練伴侶動物 馬匹及珍奇動物,也可用來提昇人類的生理及情緒健康。



 邀請大家前來一探這種神奇的人犬互動方式,講師黛比將分享她幾十年的心得和經驗,如何將 TTouch®應用於日常照護、減輕疼痛、釋放壓力、以及解決狗狗吠叫、暴衝、恐懼或焦慮問題,也教授我們如何把這些技巧運用在自己或他人身上。


Vicki's Clicker Training School is privileged to announce the upcoming 2014 TTouch Workshops with Debby Potts in Taiwan. For further information, please click on 2014 Taiwan TTouch workshops.

Debby Potts has been a TTouch practitioner and experienced instructor for over 25 years.  She has been teaching people over the world how to apply the TTouch system on a variety of species of animals as well as humans.  The first time and most recent time that she came to Taiwan to share TTouch was in 2009. For more information on TTouch, please visit www.ttouch.com.

Please mark your calendar and join us in the exciting event. Seats are limited.  Don't miss the great opportunity!